Friday, 9 September 2011

Reasons For Song Choice

We decided to choose Skinny Genes by Eliza Doolittle as our song due to the quirkiness of it, we really liked the lyrics and feel we could use them to adapt parts of the video. For example we thought using the cliche of jeans could be a quirky idea, as well as it fitting in with the indie pop genre. We also chose the song as it is ung by a female and believed it would be easier to film amongst us rather than relying on another person to appear in the video. Also as it is quite an upbeat song we can make the video bright and fun and also fit it in and around London, also as Eliza Doolittle is a cool and individual artist we could play on this fact and set the video around her quirkiness by using abstract items that also fit into the indiepop genre such as bubblegum, scrabble pieces and also the obscurity of places in London, such as Camden and Brixton which we hope to use as possible locations.

As well as Skinny Genes we discussed other song choices such as Ed Sheeran, The City as we wanted to base our video around London and we thought the song was inappropiaten for this, but we decided against this idea as we would have needed a male performer in the video and this would not be ideal for us as we would have to rely on them for our filming, which we didnt want to have.

Overall, we feel we have made a good decision on our song choice and cannot wait to start filming.

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