Monday, 4 July 2011

Analysing Lyrics

Here I have reserached the lyrics to Skinny Genes in order to see if we can use the words in order to create a narrative. For example, 'your 99% of embarassment' we could use as the boy in the video may easily embarass the female lead. Also the lyric 'Dreamt you were on a train' we could use a shot of a train and film at a train station. Also as the lyrics feature the word 'dream' we could use a graphic of a thought bubble in order to portray dreaming and the characters different thoughts. Also the word dream could allow us to show the boy dreaming of perhaps the girl being in love with him, or perhaps singing with him as he plays the guitar due to the instrument being easily recognisable to hear in the song. Also the whistles in the song could be mimed by the boy character in order to show his annoying narrative.

I really don’t like your point of view
I know you’ll never change
Stingin' me with your attitude
I've got the mind to walk away

I really don't like your arrogance
Or your policies
You're ninety-nine percent an embarrassment
With just one quality

I don't mind it when you [whistles]
Brings out the best in me when you [whistles]
Show your expertise
When the night always ends with a fight
I'm excited that you wind up next to me

I like it when you [whistles]
Can I have some please of that [whistles]
Satisfy my needs
Sometimes I fake that I hate you and make up
So you wind up next to me

I really don't like your skinny jeans
So take them off for me
Show me what you've got underneath
So we can do this properly

I really don't like the way you smile
When you think you're right
But I will forgive you, the yolk is in the middle
And I'm chewing through the white


dreamt that you were on a train
you were leaving, you were leaving
You made me think of what I'd miss
You were leavin', you were leavin'

I don't mind it when you [whistles]
Brings out the best in me when you [whistles]
Show your expertise
When the night always ends with a fight I'm excited
That you wind up next to me

I like it when you [whistles]
Can I have some please of that [whistles]
Take off your skinny jeans
Sometimes I fake that I hate you and make up
So you wind up next to me

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